Conexor AB's main business idea is in the field of Environmental Project Management.
Unfortunately, the comprehensive homepage informing about project activities and achievements is closed. (It has been hacked and it might not be re-established again.)
The company is wholly-owned by Bjorn (Björn) Wahlstedt.
Bjorn is an experienced senior technical consultant, senior management consultant, project director, project team leader, project lead, and project manager.
His main assignments during the previous 25+ years have been in positions as above mainly in the Environmental Quality Management sector with technical main focus on Air Quality Management.
He has also worked as Project Director for an Energy Efficiency Project.
He has accomplished project work including
• environmental impact assessments (EIA) of different kinds;
• technical support in the expert role;
• feasibility studies and financing possibilities and arrangements;
• financial and commercial analyses of the viability of a project including detailed cost and economic analyses;
• implementation of policies such as climate change and legislation in practical projects;
• project management and co-ordination; and
• evaluation of the projects' costs and benefits.
These experiences can also be applied to other sectors.
He has working experience from the following countries:
Bangladesh | the Netherlands |
Belgium (EU) | North Macedonia |
China | Philippines |
Estonia | Singapore |
Hong Kong | Sri Lanka |
India | Sweden |
Indonesia | Thailand |
Kenya | United Kingdom |
Mongolia | Vietnam |
For more information, please check LinkedIn:
Please contact:
Gyllenkroks allé 19
SE - 222 24 Lund
Mobile phone: +46 705 371144 (please send SMS due to travelling)
Information valid on 24 August 2020